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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sock stupid.

Remember the sock I was having a stupid about? Yeah...I was having a HUGE stupid. First of all, I couldn't find the stitch glossary in the book (I finally found it). The recipe read: K1, yo, K3, SK2P, K3, yo. I took that to mean: K1, yo, K3, slip one knitwise-knit two-pass slipped stitch over, K3, yo. What it really meant was: K1, yo, K3, slip one knitwise-knit 2 together-pass slipped stitch over, K3, yo.

The stupid. I has it.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand that kind of instructions. Can't they just tell me "knit three together, with the middle stitch on the bottom"?
