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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I think I'm participating in my first-ever swap. I found it on one of the Ravelry groups I belong to for teachers that knit. I'm an unemployed teacher but I still get it. I have no idea what I'm going to send, as I have no idea who my swap partner is. I know that there will probably be chocolate involved, as well as teachery stuff (like pens/pencils/markers/highlighers/etc.) and, of course, yarny goodness. It should be interesting.

One of these days I'm going to have to post pictures of goodie things that have been going on. I have pictures of the baby belly as well as my sock and my self-designed baby blanket. Part of it is that I just have to sit down and photograph these fun things and post them. Part of it is that I'm too lazy to do so. I admit it. Actually, I've been spending a lot of time cleaning and going through things so I haven't had time to do much other than that. Perhaps sometime this week I'll make time for that. Or not.

Otherwise, things are going normally around here. The house is getting cleaned, I can finally see the bottom of the bedroom closet, my yarn is getting stored away safely, the usual.


  1. Swaps are So Addictive! I've done four this summer, and now I'm participating in a zombie themed one, running a Buffy one next month, and participating in a Dia De Los Muertos one at the same time. One of the last ones that I got felt like a pre-assembled box, which, while awsomeish, specifically went against a few things I'd specified in my wishlist. The best thing you can do is tailor it directly to your spoilee, and everything should be fine ^_^

  2. I love swapping. I have a tab on Rav dedicated only to swap groups (although I mostly just look at people's pictures since I don't have time or $ to swap in them all!). Good luck & have fun! :)

    And I have to say - you've got to have some of your own knitting prowess to be designing your own things - I'd love to do that! :)
