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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Goals!

Happy Wednesday! Happy July 1st! Happy happy happy :)

As today is the first of the month, I'll be posting new goals for July and reviewing my goals for June. I expect my goals to be similar or continue from month to month but, you know, I'm writing this on the fly so we'll see what happens :)

First, let's take a look at my June Goals and how I did.

1. Work on the following: Traveling SocksSnape's StockingsWinkDragon's Egg SocksPacific ShawlFire & Ice (Fire) Socks, and Sacrificial Goat #5.

All in all, I didn't do horribly here. I finished the Sacrificial Goat and Husband has taken it to work. I worked on my Traveling Socks, Snape's Stockings, Wink, and my Fire Socks. My Pacific Shawl and my Dragon's Egg Socks are still sitting in pseudo-hibernation. The shawl may or may not be in Time Out...I have to take some time and figure out where I am and what I'm doing. So, not too bad here :)

2. Spin some green merino on Viktor (he's feeling a bit neglected).

Viktor has had some minor attention this month. He hasn't had a lot but my bobbin is a little more full and progress is progress.

3. Try to partake in a fibery endeavor every day.

Tried. Did not succeed. But, I did try...

4. Continue the Yarn Diet (club yarns don't count).

I was doing quite well and then mid-June happened and I had an oops just hop into my purse and come home with me (yes, I paid for it; I'm not a heathen!). I wrote a little about it right here (it's the one at the top). But, just one skein of yarn since February (aside from club yarns)? That's not a bad thing.

5. Anything else that tickles my fibery fancy (starting a new project, destashing, book destashing, organizing, etc.).

Apparently I've had my fibery fancy tickled. I started and finished four projects that weren't on my list: here, here, here, and one didn't have a project page (it's just the generic Grandma's Favorite Dishcloth). I also sold some yarn from my destash

1.General house unf**king (including Stormageddon's, Little Man's, and our bedrooms).

I could always be doing better with this but I've done some things and that's helpful. I went through a couple years' worth of paperwork and now have a huge pile to shred. I went through Little Man's clothes and pulled out things that are too small for him and separated them into things that Stormageddon will eventually get and things we can give to our friends' son. I've also been trying to keep on top of the mail but that's not going so well :(

2. Drink more water.

I'm trying but some days I forget and other days I remember and then I try to recommit to the cause and it doesn't happen but then I'll just randomly do it.....

3. Hit the gym at least twice a week.

Moving along, then...

4. Work on figuring out my grandfather's photo albums from the 1930s (writing down information about the photographs, photographing the photographs via digital camera, etc.).

This is one of those things that is going to go on and on and on forever. I've done some of it here and there but that's about it. I did spend some time on the phone just last week, making phone calls all over the country, talking to first cousins of my parents and more distant cousins and learning some of the family history. That counts, I think :)

5. Keep working on the weight loss shit (thank you, Lose It app for doing the math and shit for me).

I'm keeping on keeping on.

6. Keep up on the pseudo bullet journal thingie I'm doing.

I'm doing pretty well with this. I feel like it's a bit anemic but I think that's partly due to my current format (which I'll have until January). But, I'm keeping up with it and that's lovely.

So, June wasn't horrible. Could I do better? Of course. But it wasn't a total crap-out. And now, on to July Goals :)

1. Work on the following: Traveling SocksSnape's StockingsWinkDragon's Egg SocksPacific Shawl, and Fire & Ice (Fire) Socks.
2. Spin some more green merino on Viktor. Maybe even finish up the ball of fiber.
3. Try to partake in a fibery endeavor every day.
4. Continue my Yarn Diet (club yarns, of course, do not count).
5. Anything else that tickles my fibery fancy (starting a new project, destashing, book destashing, organizing, etc.).

1. General house unf**king (including Stormageddon's, Little Man's, and our bedrooms).
2. Drink more water.
3. Try to go to the gym at least 2x/week or some other "non-usual" method of exercise.
4. Family history/genealogy stuff: photo albums, family stories, etc.
5. Keep working on the weight loss shit (thank you, Lose It app for doing the math and shit for me).
6. Keep up on the pseudo bullet journal thingie I'm doing.

My goals for July are almost exactly the same for June. There are a few minor changes but, generally, just keep on keeping on :)

Hope you're having a lovely Wednesday :)


  1. HAHAHA. "General house unf**king" :-D That is awesome. I need to make that and more water some of my goals for the next month too. Right now, I've got a list of projects I'd like to tackle before we go on vacation at the end of summer. It's probably not totally realistic, but having things written down in an organized manner seems to make me feel like I have a better handle on them.

  2. haha, your lists are great! I also need ot destash my house, make some room for this 2nd baby we have on the way. And there are so many projects I want to knit! I use my Ravelry Queue to corral them all.
