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About Me

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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Friday, August 17, 2018

Happy Blogiversary

Today is Friday, August 17, 2018.

As of today, I have been writing on this blog for.....nine years (I had to go look - my first post was in 2009). In those nine years, I've written 869 posts (with this one being 869).

My most-viewed month was September 2013, with 16K views. My most-viewed post was my first-ever yarn review, written 14 January 2013 (which can be found here). I've had 8970 visitors referred through Google & Google Canada.

It's been a long road with lots of changes. I got married, we had a child, we moved cross-country, we had another child.........and there has been lots of knitting and talk about knitting and photos and love. And spam. Because, let's face it, people suck and will do anything for a whole dollar, including spamming people with random crap.

Oh well.

Here's hoping we have some more years around here :)


  1. Amazing, happy blogoversary!! So many wonderful things have happened in the last 9 years for you... maybe not the spam though. ;)

  2. Nine years is a long time. Congrats!
