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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Late Night Affairs With Viktor

Viktor and I have been having an affair.'s been more of an argument, actually.

See, he's mad because he's been neglected quite a bit since we moved to California so I pulled him out with a grand plan of spinning up some Louet Corriedale fiber. I had 8 oz. of fiber and I split it into 2 oz batches (I figure I can usually get about 2 oz/bobbin)...not only is my bobbin nowhere near full, it's way more thick-n-thin than I would like.

In short: Corriedale is a pain in the ass to spin. I have had nothing but trouble with this. I'll finish it up, hopefully over the next couple days, and ply it and all of that...but I'm frustrated with it. I think I'm too used to Blue-Faced Leicester fibery goodness that I've played with before.

I hope it turns out useable, though...otherwise I may cry a bit about it.

In other news, my back is still very angry, knitting hasn't been happening...I think I have knitter's block or something. ::sigh::

I hope you're all having a lovely night...


  1. Yee, I know something about that "knitter's block". I have a commision to make till the next monday and I havn't even started. LOL

  2. Back issues can be a pun intended....and while I've never been bitten by the spinning bug...I wish you luck...

    1. I wish me luck, too. And I want to love the corriedale that I'm working with but it's such a pain in the ass...

  3. What a bummer that you weren't happy with that roving. But at least you tried it and now you know. If you're happy with a particular kind, hell, stick with it. Happy is better than disappointment and frustration.

    1. I'm still working with it. I'm kind of determined to finish it, actually...
