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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Monthly Goals: September 2016

Happy September 1st :)

Today, we're here for the monthly goals and the monthly goals wrap-up from last month. Let's visit the monthly goals for August:

Fibery Goals
1. Work on the following (and maybe finish something): Wink,  the Caffe Macchiato Socks, and the Gex Sweater.
2. Ravellenics (August 5th-21st): probably making a cowl from some handspun and hopefully finishing the Gex sweater
3. Partake in a fibery endeavor at least 4x/week.
4. Yarn Diet (clubs don't count).
5. Design work.
6. Clean out the yarn closet.
7. Anything else that comes along.

Admittedly, I've not touched Wink at all this month. Ravellenics happened, which means I made a cowl from my handspun and I finished the Gex sweater. Okay, it still needs buttons (which I have) but it's done, washed, ends, blah blah blah. I also started a new project: Oh, She IS a Bad Nut. I've almost finished the first of my Caffe Macchiato socks, as well. 

Ravellenics meant I was knitting almost every day for the first 2/3 of the month....and now that it's over, I've not been knitting as much, though I've tried. To be fair, Little Man started Kindergarten toward the end of Ravellenics, which has meant a schedule change for everyone and we're still adjusting. 

I've had a couple of club shipments come in (most recently, ErinLane Bags Indie Club Carnival and my first StevenBe Inappropriate box) but I fell off the diet train so so SO hard this month. Another LYS closed, just this past weekend, actually...I may or may not have fallen in a couple times this month. Oops. And then I've been searching out all the Hunger Games yarns I can get my little hands on. I might have a problem. 

Who are we kidding? We all know I have a problem. Lots of them, actually.

In addition to all that, I also tossed the stash, which led to some discoveries (pieces to my pseudo-Turkish drop spindle, some bobbins for my spinning wheel, among other things) and I've added things to my destash. It was rather lovely and I fell in love with a bunch of my stash again. So, you know, that's lovely.

And another thing happened, one that I wasn't exactly expecting: I pulled out the knitting sketchbook and started doodling a new design. I have an idea in my head (well, a couple actually) but I am going to have to test it out before I go full-scale. We'll see how things go. But, the thought of designing again was somewhat surprising. I was frustrated with a design and put everything away for awhile. I wasn't expecting it to come back for awhile.

Non-Fibery Goals
1. Put the armoire together in Stormageddon's room & organize.
2. Go through paperwork on the buffet & cookbook shelf.
3. Go through the pantry & cupboards.
4. Gym and/or some other form of exercise.
5. Work on the weight loss shit (woo).
6. Keep up on the (new) bullet journal.

Let's be honest: Stormageddon's armoire is still in the boxes and his room kind of looks like a bomb went off. I'm hoping that we can get it done over Labor Day weekend (which is this weekend, actually, so it probably won't happen)...we'll see. 

The paperwork on the buffet has been dealt with, for the most part but the cookbook shelf is still a hot mess. Oh well. I also went through part of the pantry but not the cupboards. Apparently I'm good at doing things half-assed. 

I have been going to the gym at least a couple times during the week but we've also been walking to and from school...which means I'm making the trip twice and each trip is, depending on which route I take, anywhere from 1.6-1.9 miles so I'm walking 3.2 to 3.8 miles five times a week, on average. And I'm going to the gym. You would think the weight would just be peeling off....but it's not because all I want to do is eat, which I suppose is a natural response to extra exercise. Unfortunately, it means my weight has been fairly steady. Actually, no, I take that weight has actually creeped up a couple pounds. I'm not overly worried about it, though. It'll come off soon enough. 

And there's my bullet journal. With the start of August, I started a new notebook. This one is longer so it will probably take me longer to get through, which is perfectly fine. I'm doing pretty well at keeping up, which is rather lovely.

So, those were the August Goals...but now it's September and we need new goals.

Fibery Goals
1. Work on the following (and maybe finish something): Wink,  the Caffe Macchiato Socks, or the Oh, She IS a Bad Nut shawl. Get buttons on Gex and get it shipped out :)
2. Proper destash work (photos, updating the database on Ravelry, etc.)
3. Partake in a fibery endeavor at least 4x/week.
4. Yarn Diet (clubs don't count).
5. Design work.
6. Clean out the yarn closet some more.
7. Anything else that comes along.

No, not many changes.

Non-Fibery Goals

1. Put the armoire together in Stormageddon's room & organize.
2. Go through everything on the cookbook shelf.
3. Go through all our food & dishes (pantry, cupboards, buffet, etc.).
4. Gym and/or some other form of exercise.
5. Work on the weight loss shit (woo).
6. Keep up on the (new) bullet journal.
7. Work on stocking the Etsy shop.

1 comment:

  1. School just started here Wednesday. We're adjusting but it isn't so bad for me.
