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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Y3: Self-Imposed Year of Projects - Update #41

Happy Sunday :)

As usual, I'm probably running late....starting this on a Saturday night and will probably be distracted by Stormageddon and that means I probably won't finish and hit post until sometime on Sunday. Sue me. I do what I can :)

Speaking of things I can and can't do...let's get going :)

Fnished Objects (FOs)   
1. Windschief: started January 3, 2014; finished January 10, 2014     
2. Welcome to the World Newborn Hat: started January 10, 2014; finished January 11, 2014   
3. Five Hour Baby Sweater: started January 16, 2014; finished January 29, 2014  
4. Baby Surprise Jacket: started May 27, 2013; finished February 2, 2014  
5. Welcome to the World Newborn Hat: started February 4, 2014; finished February 4, 2014 
6. Milo: started December 25, 2013; finished February 9, 2014
7. Zombie ViXen Fingerless Mitts: started November 23, 2013; finished February 19, 2014
8. Traveling Vines Socks: started May 31, 2013; finished March 3, 2014
9. Babbeh Hat: started March 3, 2014; finished March 6, 2014
10. Hurricane Hat: started April 22, 2014; finished May 15, 2014
11. Hoo Hat: started May 19, 2014; finished May 20, 2014
12. Hoo Hat: started May 20, 2014; finished May 21, 2014
13. Stormageddon's Stripey Hat: started May 22, 2014; finished May 23, 2014
14.  Greyson: started May 29, 2014; finished June 17, 2014
15. Waiting for Winter Mittens: started July 20, 2014; finished July 25, 2014  
16. Oreo Socks: started March 8, 2014; finished August 5, 2014
17. Waiting for Winter Mittens: started August 8, 2014; finished August 12, 2014
18. Sacrificial Goat: started July 27, 2014; finished August 16, 2014
19. Swirl Hat: started August 5, 2014; finished August 20, 2014
20. Sacrificial Goat #2: started August 16, 2014; finished August 24, 2014 

21. Sacrificial Goat #3: started August 27, 2014; finished September 1, 2014
22. Baby Stormageddon: started after December 17, 2013; arrived 5:04pm on September 2, 2014

I've not finished anything new but I did partake in FO Friday for my Sacrificial Goat. I suppose that's a "finished" of sorts...just not an FO.

Works-In-Progress (WIPs)
1. Dragon's Egg Socks: started September 2, 2013
2. Pacific Shawl: started June 8, 2014
3. Swatch for The Dude: started July 16, 2014
4. Snape's Stockings: started August 20, 2014

5. Sacrificial Goat #4: started September 25, 2014

6. Waiting for Winter Mittens - Cameron: started October 9, 2014

Aside from frogging a dishcloth I started (I missed the YOs on two rows and couldn't fix it without ripping back and I don't rip back very well...), I started another pair of mittens. I'm using yarn I picked up specifically for this project and it's a Christmas present for, you guessed it, Cameron. Cameron may as well be my nephew. His mother is one of my best friends; we've known each other since we were probably four years old. 

Yes, I do remember that I'm not supposed to be knitting. Honestly, knitting is one of the very few things that doesn't seem to bother my thumb and wrist right now. I'm not necessarily doing a lot of it...but I've done some and I'm much less bitchy for it. Otherwise, I've not touched anything else this week. 

Now, let's laugh at my remaining lists...

Children's Items
1. Elefante
2. Nottingham
3. Shaun
4. Gramps Cardigan (need to purchase - $6)
5. Smaug Hat

Items for Me (Selfish Knitting, FTW!)
1. Hermione Hearts Ron
2. Godric's Hollow Hat
3. Jabberwonky (which might be in the SSCB below but I don't remember) *
4. Gallifrey Fingerless Mitts
5. Weeping Angel Socks *
6. Stormont
7. Drip Drip Drop (which might be in the SSCB below but I don't remember) *

* I'll probably only pick one of these but, you know, choices and all...

Secret Sock Club Bags
(These bags are already set up with pattern and yarn - I just pick one at random and no, I don't remember what I put in there right now...I can go look later, if you're really interested. I really probably should...but, honestly, nah...)

1. Little Man's Baby Blanket
2. Susan's Hat (adult and child versions)
3. Assorted Dishcloths
4. Traveling Vines projects (adult socks, baby socks, scarf, hat, fingerless mitts, shawl, etc.)
5. Pinwheel Market Bag
6. Anything else that comes along at the right time

In non-knitting, real life type of news......

Stormageddon had his one month appointment this past week. I was right: the little chubster is almost 10 lbs. (he was 9 lbs, 12.5 oz.) and he's grown 3" since birth. He's still small for his age but he was also three weeks early so I'm not too fussed about it. His newborn screening also came back, finally. Where I'm from, "expedite" means, "get this done and results sent out ASAP;" around here, it seems to mean, "we'll get to it when we get to it." Frickin' California. Anyway, after five weeks of waiting, his results were in and nothing was flagged, which is fabulous news. Does that mean that Stormageddon doesn't have the goofy metabolic disorder that Little Man has? Not necessarily. The newborn screening is just a screening; it's not a diagnostic test. But, because we knew what we were looking for, we had the first round of testing done before we even left the hospital...but I've not heard anything about those results (yet - I plan to call the geneticist tomorrow). 

Little Man has been singing quite a bit this past week. He's found a couple videos on YouTube that feature children's songs. So, I've heard "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Daddy Finger" and "ABCs" and a bunch of other random kid songs come out of his mouth, usually slightly incorrect....daily......all week. He's kind of amazed when I start singing along with him. Apparently I'm not supposed to know any of these. 

Oh, and I discovered that Stormageddon's Greyson Sweater (#14 on the FO list) does fit...barely. I shouldn't be shocked as I did make the newborn size and he's fast outgrowing those clothes. I had it on him at the San Francisco Zoo yesterday. 

Anyway, have some photos from the last week or so...

Matching sweaters (no, I didn't make them)

Ima eat this, Mama.

Goin' down the Spiderman slide

Anyway, I hope you've all had a lovely week and weekend and so on and so forth :) I hope to do some sort of fibery update this week but we'll see how things go. Or not.


  1. I'm sorry about your dishcloth, but hurrah to get a sacrificial goat out of the way! Looks like you all had fun this week.

  2. Sorry to hear about your wrist and thumb but glad to hear your still managing to get some knitting time in. Those pics of your little men are just gorgeous and how quick the wee man is growing.

  3. Lovely pictures of your little men x

  4. Those two little men of yours are Stinkin' cute!! Love that you are trying to keep up with a bit of knitting here and there.... That is good. Especially if it helps keep you from being grouchy with people!! Knitting and crocheting works for me that way too!

  5. Wow you have accomplished so much! I'm jealous !

  6. Adorable pictures, and I'm so amazed at your FO list. You have managed to do so much, I'm in awe!

  7. Happy to hear that all is well, so far! Cute pictures. When my nephew was born he was already almost 10 lbs, my poor sister.

  8. The photos of the boys are great! I made a newborn vest for my supervisor's first grandchild ... when it was born at over 10lbs I put the vest away and knit a toy :)

  9. Aww. I love the first pic of them.
