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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Purloined: Tool Talk

Today, I'm purloining some Q&A from Nothing But Knit. Recently, she had a Q&A post regarding the tools we use in our craft, whether it be knitting, crocheting, painting, whatever......

So, here we go:

  • Is there a tool that you own that is your absolute favorite? Which is it? What did you use before you had that tool? My favorite tool is probably my ball winder. I know that sounds kind of silly but I sprung for the fancy one from Nancy's Knit Knacks and it has made my life so much better. Prior to that, I had one of the plastic ones and it kept eating my yarn and it was just not awesome. 
  • Is there a tool that you bought that is way less useful than you hoped? Does it detract from your crafting? I bought blocking wires but I've not used them. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't blocked anything that needed them or that I'm avoiding them. I have them for when I need them, I guess. I also have an asinine amount of drop spindles. But I use them for Maker Faire at Little Man's school...I think I'm going to sell a good portion of them, though. 
  • Is there a tool that other people think is necessary and you just don’t use it? How do you get around it? I don't think it's unnecessary but I don't use them often: blocking mats. I have them and I have used them but I've also grown accustomed to tossing items over the shower to dry if they don't require hard blocking (and most of what I'm wearing doesn't). 
  • How do you store your tools? Do they have their own special space? My storage is kind of all over the place. I have a wooden box that houses my circular needles, my roll-up cases with DPNs, and my crochet needles (I painted it myself because I'm awesome that way). My straight needles are in a glass vase, up high (away from my children). On that same shelf are my swift, ball winder, buttons, and some of my containers of stitch markers. Loose patterns are in sheet protectors in binders. WIPs live in my Slipped Stitch Studios tote and my RÃ¥skog cart from Ikea. I also have a bin with project bags, things for Viktor (my Majacraft Pioneer spinning wheel), other bits and bobs for knitting and spinning......I also have a closet for storing my yarn (in bins). I might have a problem.

What about you? How do you do your tools? I didn't even get into my paint & brushes or my cross-stitching supplies or......yeah. I'm multi-crafty. 

I hope you've having a lovely day!

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