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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Missed It Monday

Happy Monday :)

I apparently have a problem with starting projects that aren't on my Self-Imposed Year of Projects lists...oops. It's not like I'm doing anything fancy or huge but I have an issue with making a scarf for one five year old and not the other one (one of my best friends' kids and Husband's niece - they're about 3 months apart in age)...and then I can't leave out the other two (best friends' 11 year old son and Husband's other niece...but she's too little for scarves right now).

Soooo...I started a(nother) scarf yesterday. I had been digging in my stash, looking for something else, when I came across a bunch of Lion Brand Wool Ease Thick & Quick (I think I found four skeins). Each skein is 106 yds (which isn't quite double what the skein was of the Lion Brand Bouclé that I used in the scarf I made the other day...but it's close). I'm thinking that I'll make a scarf for the boy and his sister will get the scarf I already made. Then I'll make another scarf for Sweet Girl and perhaps a matching hat (depending on how much yarn I have left - which should be enough for both).

This also means that I've added another project (well, three, technically) to my Self-Imposed Year of Projects list. ::sigh::

In other random thingies going on, Little Man and Husband spent some time in the pool over the weekend. Little Man is such a water baby. He has to get that from Husband because I don't like pools, lakes, rivers, streams, or the ocean. I think it's because when I was little, the daycare staff used to drop me off the diving board into the deep end of the pool...and I never learned to swim properly. So, they went into the pool. It was a bit cold but that, apparently, didn't bother Little Man.


  1. Oh boy! Extra project! You are using stash yarn for them so it's all good.
    Little Man looks like he loves the water! I don't think kids can feel the cold. My son is always hot.

    1. I am using stash yarn so that's always a plus. Little Man LOVES being in the water. We know that when his lips start turning blue that it's time to get out.

  2. The Thick & Quick knits up fast. Princess Cupcake only knitted 5-8 sts per scarf. So if you wanna whip one out fast, there's an idea.
    Love that Little Man is a pool baby. I was a water baby too as are my girls.

    1. I'm working with 15 sts but it still goes pretty quick :)
