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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Year SIX: Self-Imposed Year of Projects - Update #8

Happy Sunday! I'll start right off by saying thank you for your well-wishes and such as we dealt with the wave of icky that went through our house. We're all (mostly) feeling better...not perfect but that stomach bug was bad.

So, now that that's out of the way, let's get going on the update :)

Finished Objects (FOs):

1. Pussy Hat: started January 10, 2017; finished January 16, 2017
2. Hermione's Everyday Socks (v2): started November 14, 2016; finished January 28, 2017
3. Frene Creek Farm Corriedale (spinning): started October 12, 2016; finished January 16, 2017
4. Pikachu Hat: started February 3, 2017; finished February 10, 2017

I did an FO Friday post about the Pikachu hat and Hermione's Everyday Socks, if you're interested. I would have had the Frene Creek Farm Corriedale in there but it wasn't quite dry. So, perhaps this week I'll get around to it because it's dry now, of course. ::sigh::

Works-in-Progress (WIPs):
1. Wink: started January 5, 2015
2. Oh, She IS a Bad Nut: started August 11, 2016
3. Fall in San Francisco (prototype 3): started October 4, 2016
4. Smooth Operator Socks: started October 13, 2016
5. Stormageddon's Vest: started October 17, 2016
6. Trusty (v2): started December 22, 2016
7. Morvarch Aardvark: started January 1, 2017
8. Messed Up Moss: started January 4, 2017
9. Pussy Hat: started February 13, 2017

Starting from the bottom of the list.....I started another Pussy Hat.

A former coworker/friend of Husband's (and now mine, obviously) contacted me on the Book of Faces and asked if I would be willing to knit Pussy Hats. For him. His husband. And the rest of the gaggle of our gay friends. I did a quick count and that's at least 10 hats (but might be as many as 15 in case I'm forgetting people and I probably am). Thankfully, I don't think they need them until the end of May/beginning of June. But, I need to get moving as this is only the first one. I finished up the ribbing on Friday and started the stockinette portion so hopefully it will go faster now.

I also worked a teensy bit on the Trusty Hat and I'm actually further behind than I thought I was. I thought I was on the 5th pattern repeat and it turns out I was only on the 4th one. I'm currently debating whether I want to do a 5th repeat or go to the crown decreases. The thing I worry about is that it might be too short. I'd rather have it too long and wear it a little slouchy than be constantly pulling it down to cover my ears. Of course, it could always go to Little Man but he's already claimed the worsted weight version, which I had to convince him to share with me even though it was mine to begin with. You know what, I think I just convinced myself that it need another pattern repeat.

The project that probably saw the most amount of work this week was Stormageddon's Vest. I have split for the v-front and I'm almost finished with it, actually. Okay I've almost finished the right front. I still have the left front to work...and then the back....and then the arm hole bands and neckband. I want it finished by the time I go to Stitches West next weekend so I can take it to the Yarn On The House booth (because the yarn is YOTH Little Brother). I'm really hoping but I'm also on deadline knitting with the Pussy Hats sooooooo.........crap.

17 UFOs in 2017
1. Wink: started January 5, 2015
2. Oh, She IS a Bad Nut: started August 11, 2016
3. Fall in San Francisco (prototype 3): started October 4, 2016
4. Frene Creek Farm Corriedale (spinning): started October 12, 2016; finished January 16, 2017 **DONE**
5. Smooth Operator Socks: started October 13, 2016
6. Stormageddon's Vest: started October 17, 2016
7. Hermione's Everyday Socks (v2): started November 14, 2016; finished January 28, 2017 **DONE**
8. Trusty (v2): started December 22, 2016
9. Design: Susan's Hat
10. Design: Little Man's Baby Blanket
11. Design: Paradiddle Socks (aka Little Drummer Girl)
12. Design: Pacific Waves Hat
13. Design: Fall in San Francisco Hat
14. Stash Inventory (photos, in Rav database) **DONE**
15. Dystopian Novel
16. Doctor Who blanket (1)
17. Doctor Who blanket (2)

I did a teeeeeeeeeeensy bit of work on the Dystopian Novel this week. I started re-reading it and changed a couple words in the very beginning. But that was it. Nothing exciting here.

And in my "OMGLSGWTFBBQ" lists...

Secret Sock Club Bags - Pick a bag at random; do pattern with yarn
1. Scotch & Soda Scarf (using Briar Rose Fibers Wistful, leftover from my Icarus Shawl)
2. Jabberwonky (using KP Felici in Abracadabra)
3. If You Know Where To Go (using KP Felici in Green Veggies)
4. Baby Surprise Jacket (using....htNEVELE something something)

These are the only ones that are currently set up. I have plans to make a few more but we'll see how things go. With all the WIPs and such I have going, this may not be a good idea at this point. Or maybe I'll pull things from the lists below and put them into bags. I don't know.

Stranded Knitting
1. University of Wisconsin Ski Hat (kit)
2. University of Wisconsin Christmas Stocking (kit)
3. University of Wisconsin Button Beanie (kit)
4. Xanadu Snowflake Cowl
5. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Little Man (see also: Designs)
6. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Stormageddon (see also: Designs)
7. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Husband (see also: Designs)

Children's Items:
1. Stuffed toy for Miss C (SIL's foster child)
2. Stuffed toy for Mr. K (SIL's foster child)
3. Stuffed toy for Miss E (SIL's adopted daughter)
4. Stuffed toy for TAZ (brother's daughter)
5. Undetermined hat for Little Man
6. Undetermined hat for Stormageddon
7. Mittens for Little Man
8. Mittens for Stormageddon

Items for ME (selfish knitting FTW!):
1. Park Slope (fingering, specifically Mountain Colors Crazy Foot)
2. Worsted weight house socks (worsted, of course - maybe something like Lumberjack)
3. Classic Silk Mayfaire Camisole (Miss Babs Northumbria with modifications)
4. Evangeline (worsted; solid or semi-solid)
5. Lichen (Aran or Sport/DK; solid or semi-solid)
6. Moyen Age (fingering; one of my Vice Yarns? Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20?)
7. Ginny's Cardigan (DK; solid or semi-solid)
8. Drip Drip Drop (sock; solid or semi-solid)
9. Celtic Myths (worsted; solid)
10. Jag in Garter Stitch (DK; 2 colors)
11. Cobh (fingering; 2 colors)
12. Offhand Lace (bulky; solid or semi-solid)
13. Whitman (DK; any color)
14. Flax (worsted; any color - Misti Alpaca Harry Potter-esque one?)

Christmas/Charity Bin:
1. 198 Yds of Heaven (worsted; solid)
2. Comfort Food (Aran; solid)
3. Tombreck (worsted; solid or semi-solid)
4. Premie Spiral Hat (DK; any color)
5. Pumpkins & a Pattern (any weight, any color - gauge doesn't matter)

1. Susan's Hat *started* - need new prototype & write pattern
2. Little Man's Baby Blanket *started* - write pattern
3. Paradiddle Socks - need prototype & write pattern
4. Pacific Waves Hat *started* - need another prototype & write pattern
5. Fall in San Francisco *started* - need another prototype & write pattern
6. Stormageddon's Baby Blanket - need prototype & write pattern
7. Cabled pullover (grey look-alike sweater) - need sketch, grading, swatch, prototype, & write pattern
8. Christmas stocking for Little Man - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)
9. Christmas stocking for Stormageddon - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)
10. Christmas stocking for Husband - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)

1. Miss Babs BFL
2. Sandy's Palette Merino/Silk (1)
3. Sandy's Palette Merino/Silk (2)
4. Faerie Mountain Fibers Crazy Batt
5. Wash & start processing Alpaca fleece from Lambtown
6. Wash & start processing Merino fleece from Lambtown

1. Stitch markers
2. Make sure my vintage patterns are in Ravelry (Workbasket magazines, leaflets, etc.)

Since last week was such a mess, I had hoped this week would be a little tamer, less things going on, the usual. I'd like to think that it was a little less crazy but there are still some things happening to keep things fresh. 

Stormageddon still has the backdoor hershey squirts. I think it's because he was sick and his body is still trying to catch up from everything. Unfortunately, it has led to diaper rash and he is quite unhappy about that (as anyone would be). So, I'm going through A&D like it's going out of style and it's got a little bit of an ebb & flow. Friday morning, for example, he had almost no trace of the rash but a nasty diaper later and it was back with a vengeance. ::sigh:: 

Little Man, however, is back to normal. 

I'm still coughing. It seems to be calming down but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Husband is avoiding the office because everyone else is sick and he can't afford to get it right now. But otherwise, he's feeling pretty good. 

So, that's the health update. 

In weather-related news, our backyard is a bit muddy and gross because we've had lots of rain recently. In case you missed it, the Oroville Dam Spillway is about to bust open. It's about 175 miles northeast of here. This is important not just to me and my family but to a good portion of the state of California because it's one of the main feeds into the California Aqueduct system, which is how a good portion of the state gets it's water supply. Up until this past season, it's been far below capacity, as we've been in a major drought for several years. With all the rain, it's now beyond capacity and the infrastructure around it is starting to give out. It wasn't designed to go from nothing to OMG OVERFLOW. The rain is also causing mudslides, and not just in southern California. There was one not far from here, right in the Bay Area. Oh, and let's not forget that people around here have no idea how to drive in the rain and most of them are driving on bald tires, which means more accidents and stupidity. Luckily, I rarely have to go very far (I think the furthest I've gone in the last two weeks was the trip to the hospital, which is 15 miles away) we don't have to deal with too much. 

In random events and general life......well, Stormageddon has discovered posing for photos. If he hears my phone camera go off, he immediately starts posing. I'm pretty sure Little Man also did it when he was this age.

It started out innocently enough. He was sitting at the counter, shoving his finger into his peanut butter sandwich, scooping out the peanut butter, and, can see what he was doing:

......and then he realized I was taking his photo.

.....and then I asked him to make his "angry" face and he gave me this mischievous little grin. 

.....and then he decided to fold his arms up but he couldn't stop smiling.

The gob of peanut butter on the side of his mouth just makes it that much more worth it. 

That same night, he crashed in our bed while watching the Minion movie on the iPad. 

He crashes in our bed quite often, actually. Usually with Husband. 

Little Man and I had a goofy moment this week. 

He also paused for a photo. He was busy learning how to build a Tardis in Minecraft via YouTube. That boy. ::sigh::

One of the things that happened this week involved me and my bicycle. Now that I've relearned how to ride my bicycle, I've been itching to actually ride it. Last weekend, I was back and forth between our house and Little Man's school during Auction Item Weekend on the bike (because we're down to one car). Saturday, I was back and forth three times (on the bike - I also took the car after the boys went to bed but this isn't about that) and Sunday, it was just the one time. It's only a half-mileish one way so it's not a big deal as long as things are spread out. Monday my legs were pretty sore but it was okay. 

On Thursday, I decided that I would take the bike to school to pick up Little Man (and walk the bike home with him)...but I left almost an hour before I needed to pick him up with the intention of riding along the Bay on the Bay Trail. It's not that far out of the way for me but I've not ridden my bike that far since....1994, maybe. I wound up riding a total of 3.72 miles over a half hour (and then walking home, which was just over a half-mile). I honestly thought my legs were going to be killing me but, really, they're a little sore but it wasn't bad. I'm considering doing it some more. The only thing I dislike about doing it is that I have to have my hair down and tied back at my neck because my bike helmet won't fit otherwise. I suppose it could be worse. But, I stopped along the way and took some photos. 

It's really difficult to see but in the middle of the photo, you can just see the San Mateo Bridge, which is one of the five (I think) bridges that connect the Peninsula to the other parts of the Bay Area (San Rafel Bridge & Golden Gate Bridge go to the North Bay, the Bay Bridge, San Mateo Bridge, and Dumbarton Bridge go to the East Bay). 

I also turned my camera toward San Francisco but you can't see it. It was too hazy. And you get a view of some of the power lines that run along this side of the Bay. 

Yesterday, Husband took Little Man to see the Batman Lego Movie, which was lovely. They were going to go to a 10:45am showing here in town but right as the movie was starting, the power went out (just on that screen) so they got a pass to go to any of the other theaters so they wound up going to a 1:45pm showing in San Bruno (which is just up the road). He, of course, loved the movie. Of course he did. 

Stormageddon and I hung out at home, I was trying to get caught up on Podcasts (hahahahahahaha! I'm so behind), and laundry was going and knitting and........yeah.

I'm also participating in the #yarnlovechallenge put forth by Mary Heather & Christina on Instagram...I might be a little behind but I'm keeping up for the most part. You can find me on Instagram @reneeanneknits. Just an FYI. 

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Next weekend's post may be late because I will be at Stitches West all weekend. I have a class on Friday to dye my own yarn (as if I need a new fiber hobby), and two on Sunday (one is a Bavarian twisted stitch class with Franklin Habit, and the other is with Marly Bird). So, there's that :) 


  1. LOL; that little one makes me laugh with his faces and shenanigans. So that's what all the pink was for; I totally didn't connect the two. Glad your husband is healthy and avoiding the germs. And oh boy do I remember the diaper rash days. I had that duty for the girls. You go on the bike ride. I'd like to ride my bike more but my a** hurts with the seat and not to mention it's hanging from the garage ceiling. Imagine my 5'2" self trying to get that sucka down. My uncle has a retirement home in Oroville. He had to evacuate; got stuck in traffica and had to figure out another way home to SF. My mum said he came to SF and then went right back up when the officials gave the all clear. One of my dad's cousin's families had to evauate Yuba City; they were in Sacramento for the day before ppl were told to leave.

  2. Oh, your kids are so cute! What great poses. You are doing great on all fronts. Glad you are safe and hope you remain that way. It looks bad from the newscasts. I hope you all recover soon from the flu and keep up your great knitting and biking progress! Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

  3. Great pics. Love Storm's smiles and the beautiful pictures of the bay. Have fun at Stitches West! Can't wait to see your pictures when you post.

  4. Love your little 'model' with all his poses and faces. Too cute!

  5. Such a lot happening there again, you tire me out just thinking about all that you achieve.
    Love that bike ride scenery.
    Hope you all manage to stay safe and well this week. Have a great time time at Stitches West and I'm looking forward to next weeks photos.

  6. Hope you continue to get better and stay safe this week. I love the pink yarn for the hat - hope you get through them all soon!

  7. You are so great to knit so many pussy hats! What are they doing with them in the summer? Your kiddos are so cute, and it's a good sign that you read over what you wrote and didn't make huge changes- you must like what you wrote!

  8. Backdoor hershey squirts? LOL! A little bit of beer snirting here when I read that!

    How fun that all the guys want pussy hats! Very good of you to make them too; I don't have the patience for that many of anything!
