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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Monday, February 27, 2017

Year SIX: Self-Imposed Year of Projects - Update #9

Happy Monday :) Yes, I'm writing this for a Monday post. Why? Did you forget that Stitches West was this weekend? Oh. Sorry. I keep forgetting that not everyone knows the Stitches schedule inside and out (including me). Anyway, Stitches West was this weekend so I've been, you know, crazy busy.

So, Monday post.

Finished Objects (FOs):
1. Pussy Hat: started January 10, 2017; finished January 16, 2017
2. Hermione's Everyday Socks (v2): started November 14, 2016; finished January 28, 2017
3. Frene Creek Farm Corriedale (spinning): started October 12, 2016; finished January 16, 2017
4. Pikachu Hat: started February 3, 2017; finished February 10, 2017
5. Trusty (v2): started December 22, 2016; finished February 24, 2017

I finished up the second version of the Trusty Hat on Friday night during the Stitches West Pajama Party (and no, I can't talk about it). I've not washed it yet, however. Ends are woven in, though. So, you know, pluses and minuses. I expect I'll get it washed this week and such. We'll see how it goes.

Works-in-Progress (WIPs):
1. Wink: started January 5, 2015
2. Oh, She IS a Bad Nut: started August 11, 2016
3. Fall in San Francisco (prototype 3): started October 4, 2016
4. Smooth Operator Socks: started October 13, 2016
5. Stormageddon's Vest: started October 17, 2016
6. Morvarch Aardvark: started January 1, 2017
7. Messed Up Moss: started January 4, 2017
8. Pussy Hat: started February 13, 2017

I'm going to admit it: I am going to be on a flurry of finishes over the next week or two. I finished the Trusty Hat mentioned above. I'm also almost finished with Stormageddon's Vest and the Pussy Hat. Stormageddon's Vest needs to be Kitchenered at the shoulders, the armholes need to be done, and a single crochet chain around the neck. And washing/blocking, of course. The Pussy Hat needs to be Kitchenered across the top. And washed/blocked, also. I'm also getting closer with the Messed Up Moss scarf, which I think I worked on a bit very early in the week. I honestly don't really remember.

17 UFOs in 2017
1. Wink: started January 5, 2015
2. Oh, She IS a Bad Nut: started August 11, 2016
3. Fall in San Francisco (prototype 3): started October 4, 2016
4. Frene Creek Farm Corriedale (spinning): started October 12, 2016; finished January 16, 2017 **DONE**
5. Smooth Operator Socks: started October 13, 2016
6. Stormageddon's Vest: started October 17, 2016
7. Hermione's Everyday Socks (v2): started November 14, 2016; finished January 28, 2017 **DONE**
8. Trusty (v2): started December 22, 2016 **DONE**
9. Design: Susan's Hat
10. Design: Little Man's Baby Blanket
11. Design: Paradiddle Socks (aka Little Drummer Girl)
12. Design: Pacific Waves Hat
13. Design: Fall in San Francisco Hat
14. Stash Inventory (photos, in Rav database) **DONE**
15. Dystopian Novel
16. Doctor Who blanket (1)
17. Doctor Who blanket (2)

And in my "OMGLSGWTFBBQ" lists...

Secret Sock Club Bags - Pick a bag at random; do pattern with yarn
1. Scotch & Soda Scarf (using Briar Rose Fibers Wistful, leftover from my Icarus Shawl)
2. Jabberwonky (using KP Felici in Abracadabra)
3. If You Know Where To Go (using KP Felici in Green Veggies)
4. Baby Surprise Jacket (using....htNEVELE something something)

These are the only ones that are currently set up. I have plans to make a few more but we'll see how things go. With all the WIPs and such I have going, this may not be a good idea at this point. Or maybe I'll pull things from the lists below and put them into bags. I don't know.

Stranded Knitting
1. University of Wisconsin Ski Hat (kit)
2. University of Wisconsin Christmas Stocking (kit)
3. University of Wisconsin Button Beanie (kit)
4. Xanadu Snowflake Cowl
5. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Little Man (see also: Designs)
6. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Stormageddon (see also: Designs)
7. Unknown Christmas Stocking for Husband (see also: Designs)

Children's Items:
1. Stuffed toy for Miss C (SIL's foster child)
2. Stuffed toy for Mr. K (SIL's foster child)
3. Stuffed toy for Miss E (SIL's adopted daughter)
4. Stuffed toy for TAZ (brother's daughter)
5. Undetermined hat for Little Man
6. Undetermined hat for Stormageddon
7. Mittens for Little Man
8. Mittens for Stormageddon

Items for ME (selfish knitting FTW!):
1. Park Slope (fingering, specifically Mountain Colors Crazy Foot)
2. Worsted weight house socks (worsted, of course - maybe something like Lumberjack)
3. Classic Silk Mayfaire Camisole (Miss Babs Northumbria with modifications)
4. Evangeline (worsted; solid or semi-solid)
5. Lichen (Aran or Sport/DK; solid or semi-solid)
6. Moyen Age (fingering; one of my Vice Yarns? Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20?)
7. Ginny's Cardigan (DK; solid or semi-solid)
8. Drip Drip Drop (sock; solid or semi-solid)
9. Celtic Myths (worsted; solid)
10. Jag in Garter Stitch (DK; 2 colors)
11. Cobh (fingering; 2 colors)
12. Offhand Lace (bulky; solid or semi-solid)
13. Whitman (DK; any color)
14. Flax (worsted; any color - Misti Alpaca Harry Potter-esque one?)

Christmas/Charity Bin:
1. 198 Yds of Heaven (worsted; solid)
2. Comfort Food (Aran; solid)
3. Tombreck (worsted; solid or semi-solid)
4. Premie Spiral Hat (DK; any color)
5. Pumpkins & a Pattern (any weight, any color - gauge doesn't matter)

1. Susan's Hat *started* - need new prototype & write pattern
2. Little Man's Baby Blanket *started* - write pattern
3. Paradiddle Socks - need prototype & write pattern
4. Pacific Waves Hat *started* - need another prototype & write pattern
5. Fall in San Francisco *started* - need another prototype & write pattern
6. Stormageddon's Baby Blanket - need prototype & write pattern
7. Cabled pullover (grey look-alike sweater) - need sketch, grading, swatch, prototype, & write pattern
8. Christmas stocking for Little Man - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)
9. Christmas stocking for Stormageddon - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)
10. Christmas stocking for Husband - need charts, prototype, & write pattern (maybe)

1. Miss Babs BFL
2. Sandy's Palette Merino/Silk (1)
3. Sandy's Palette Merino/Silk (2)
4. Faerie Mountain Fibers Crazy Batt
5. Wash & start processing Alpaca fleece from Lambtown
6. Wash & start processing Merino fleece from Lambtown

1. Stitch markers
2. Make sure my vintage patterns are in Ravelry (Workbasket magazines, leaflets, etc.)

So, what's been happening around here? I wish I could remember. Honestly, with Stitches West happening this weekend, it kind of shoved everything else out of my head.

Let's see.....Stormageddon had a tantrum on the kitchen floor because I locked the fridge.

Little Man paused for a hot minute so I could photograph him in his LulaRoe leggings. Yes, my 6 year old boy is wearing LulaRoe leggings. He loves them, by the way. Black because he's a boy. I might find more for him.

Stormageddon watching Shaun the Sheep (I think).

Ah. The snail. Little Man found this guy crawling up the glass outside and I took his photo (from inside).

My boys. Love my boys (including the dog - who is also a boy).

Little Man brought out his blocks the other day and built a little Tardis.

Little Man visiting the turtles on our way home earlier this week (Wednesday, I think). He loves them.

Stormageddon fell asleep in the stroller before we got to the turtle house.

Have I mentioned that we get a lot of snails at our house. I found this guy on our front step.

And this one was climbing up the wall under our mailbox.

In addition to that, our realtor friend helped us take out two trees and replace them. He brings up a good point: why have water-sucking trees in California that don't give you anything? So, we pulled out two trees and replaced them with fruit trees. So, we now have a fruit-bearing orange tree (original to the house when we bought it), a fruit-bearing Meyer's lemon tree (which he bought for us when we bought the house), a lime tree (not ready for fruit yet), an apricot tree (that we just put in), and a pink lady apple tree (that we just put in). We have maybe one or two more trees to replace and then we should be good. I think.

Also, this happened:

That is Lana (and yes, we are at the Stitches West PJ Party on Friday night - this was before the party started, however). She flew in from Australia. She went to New York first (her brother and sister-in-law just had a baby) and then came here for Stitches West. So, we had fun. Much fun. So much fun.

Also, this happened:

That is Stef of Wooly Cakes & Wooden Spoons. I've been here almost five years, we've been reading each other's blogs for almost as long...or maybe about that......anyway, five years and less than 30 miles apart and this was the first time we had actually met in person. So, you know, posterity and all that.

Anyway, I will have a proper write-up about Stitches, hopefully sometime this week but we'll see how things go. Husband is sick again (I almost didn't get to go to my classes on Sunday, which I will probably also talk about in that post)....and a post about the Trusty Hat......and a post about the Frene Creek Farm Corriedale......and.........yeah. Stuff.

I hope you've had a lovely weekend!


  1. It is so funny that you have to lock the fridge. When our girls were small, E was all paranoid and padded all corners and doors. We still have the bumper padding on our bedframe because of course it doesn't come off. Loved your friend's accent. I'm glad she had a great time. What traveling she did.

  2. Glad you had a busy time at Stitches West, and I hope you came away with great stash acquisitions.

  3. How fun that you and Stefanie met up at Stitches West. You two look cute in that picture. :) I look forward to seeing your write-up of the convention.

  4. Snails. My children used to bring snails into the house and they always seemed to find their way out of their houses and be found snailing along the woodwork - once one almost got into the hamster cage and the hamster looked like he was going to give up his vegetarian ways.
